Monday, March 2, 2020

We love financial reporting around here, and do what we can to stay involved in current issues. So when the CFA Society of New York recently asked our CEO and co-founder Pranav Ghai to speak on a panel emerging accounting issues, dude was there like a shot.

Below, you can see a video of Ghai speaking along with several other thoughtful voices from the Financial Accounting Standards Board, Deloitte, Ridgewood Investments, and the law firm O’Melveny.

The whole thing is a tad under 90 minutes long. The speakers cover issues such as new accounting standards for leases, credit losses, and revenue recognition; data quality for the “consumers” of financial statements; tricky issues in corporate valuation; goodwill valuation and impairment, and lots more.

If you have any thoughts about the issues raised here, always feel free to drop us a line at Trust us, we’ll respond — Ghai loves to talk about this stuff!

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