Calcbench Is The Earnings Press Release Expert

Use our Earnings Press Release Platform to access every number in every document within minutes of the press-release hitting the wires.
The Power of Earnings Release Data
  • Market moving data: Immediate access to GAAP, non-GAAP, Guidance, KPIs, and segments
  • Model-Ready: Five minute average to get press release data through our Excel Add-in or our API
  • Time Series: Press release data history matched up over time, in line item detail

What We've Got
  • Data within 5 minutes of hitting the wire
  • Every number in the document, from both the tables & text
  • Build and update earnings models in seconds
  • Trace every number back to the source text
  • Earnings press releases, preliminary earnings releases, and guidance updates

Learn More

"Calcbench understands that the more efficiently analysts can populate their models, the faster they can act on the new information. That’s why immediate access to data embedded in earnings press releases, such as GAAP, non-GAAP, key performance indicators and segments, is critical."

    - Pranav Ghai, said co-founder and CEO of Calcbench.

Look at guidance and non-GAAP financial metrics alongside an individual company's income statement:

Easily build and update models in Excel JUST BY CLICKING on numbers in Earnings Releases:

As-reported earnings release data merged into historical financials within minutes of release:

Extracted data searchable online or available through our API:

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