
Getting Started

Open the Search Metrics And Create Formulas menu to easily start building a spreadsheet model. You can click to insert formulas.

Or, launch the disclosure viewer to click numbers directly from an SEC document to populate your spreadsheet.

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Function Reference

Data Set Period Type ? Function Example
Data Dictionary
Calendar CalcbenchData(metric, companyIdentifier, year, period)
metric Calcbench Standardized Metric
companyIdentifier ticker or 10-digit CIK
year Calendar year, e.g. 2017. Or 0, -1, -2... with MRQ/MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period Calendar period {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Y, 1H, 3QCUM} /{1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6}. Or {MRQ, MRY} for most recent quarter/year. Quarterly values can be followed by TTM for trailing twelve months. e.g. Q1 TTM.
  • =CalcbenchData("Revenue", "MSFT", 2013, "Y")
  • =CalcbenchData("Revenue", "MSFT", 2013, "Q2 TTM")
  • =CalcbenchData("Revenue", "MSFT", 0, "MRY")
  • =CalcbenchData("Revenue", "MSFT", 1, "MRQ")
  • =CalcbenchData("Revenue", "MSFT", 0, "MRQ TTM")
  • =CalcbenchData("CAPEX", "DAL", 2013, "1H")
Fiscal CalcbenchDataFiscalPeriod(metric, ticker, year, period)
metric Calcbench Standardized Metric
companyIdentifier ticker or 10-digit CIK
year Fiscal year e.g. 2017. Or 0, -1, -2... with MRQ/MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period Fiscal period {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Y, 1H, 3QCUM} /{1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6}. Or {MRQ, MRY} for most recent quarter/year. Quarterly values can be followed by TTM for trailing twelve months. e.g. Q1 TTM.
=CalcbenchDataFiscalPeriod("Revenue", "MSFT", 2013, "Y")
As-Originally-Reported ? Calendar
CalcbenchDataAsOriginallyReported(metric, ticker, year, period)
metric Calcbench Standardized Metric
companyIdentifier ticker or 10-digit CIK
year Calendar year, e.g. 2017. Or 0, -1, -2... with MRQ/MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period Calendar period {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Y, 1H, 3QCUM} /{1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6}. Or {MRQ, MRY} for most recent quarter/year. Quarterly values can be followed by TTM for trailing twelve months. e.g. Q1 TTM.
=CalcbenchDataAsOriginallyReported("revenue", "msft", 2015, 0)
CalcbenchDataFiscalPeriodAsOriginallyReported(metric, ticker, year, period)
metric Calcbench Standardized Metric
companyIdentifier ticker or 10-digit CIK
year Fiscal year e.g. 2017. Or 0, -1, -2... with MRQ/MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period Fiscal period {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Y, 1H, 3QCUM} /{1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6}. Or {MRQ, MRY} for most recent quarter/year. Quarterly values can be followed by TTM for trailing twelve months. e.g. Q1 TTM.
=CalcbenchDataFiscalPeriodAsOriginallyReported("revenue", "msft", 2015, 0)
Array CalcbenchStandardizedArray({metrics}, {companyIdentifiers}, {fiscalPeriods}, {startDate}, {endDate})
Metrics Metric or array of metrics
Company Identifiers ticker/CIKs or array of tickers/CIKs
Fiscal Periods Fiscal periods or array of fiscal periods. Fiscal periods look like 2020-0 or 2021-3.
Start Date Date, get all data from this date on.
End Date Date, get all data up to (but not including) this date.
  • =CalcbenchStandardizedArray(B4:B100,A4:A50)
  • =CalcbenchStandardizedArray("","msft")
  • =CalcbenchStandardizedArray("","","",TODAY())
  • =CalcbenchStandardizedArray("","MSFT","2020-0")
XBRL Tag - Numeric Calendar CalcbenchXBRLTag(XBRLTag, ticker, year, period, dimension (optional))
XBRLtag XBRL Tag- find tags here
companyIdentifier ticker or 10-digit CIK
year Calendar year, e.g. 2017. Or 0, -1, -2... with MRQ/MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period Calendar period {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Y, 1H, 3QCUM} /{1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6}. Or {MRQ, MRY} for most recent quarter/year.
dimension (optional) XBRL dimension
=CalcbenchXBRLTag("CapitalizedComputerSoftwareAmortization", "MSFT", 2012, 0)
Fiscal CalcbenchXBRLTagFiscalPeriod(XBRLTag, ticker, year, period, dimension (optional))
XBRLtag XBRL Tag - find tags here
companyIdentifier ticker or 10-digit CIK
year Fiscal year e.g. 2017. Or 0, -1, -2... with MRQ/MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period Fiscal period {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Y, 1H, 3QCUM} /{1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6}. Or {MRQ, MRY} for most recent quarter/year.
dimension (optional) XBRL dimension
  • =CalcbenchXBRLTagFiscalPeriod("assets", "msft", 2015, 0)
  • =CalcbenchXBRLTagFiscalPeriod("SalesRevenueNet", "INTC", 2015, "Y", "ChinaIncludingHongKongMember")
As-Originally-Reported ? Calendar
CalcbenchXBRLTagAsOriginallyReported(XBRLtag, ticker, year, period, dimension (optional))
XBRLtag XBRL Tag - find tags here
companyIdentifier ticker or 10-digit CIK
year Calendar year, e.g. 2017. Or 0, -1, -2... with MRQ/MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period Calendar period {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Y, 1H, 3QCUM} /{1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6}. Or {MRQ, MRY} for most recent quarter/year.
=CalcbenchXBRLTagAsOriginallyReported("assets", "msft", 2017, 0)
CalcbenchXBRLTagFiscalPeriodAsOriginallyReported(XBRLtag, ticker, year, period, dimension (optional))
XBRLtag XBRL Tag - find tags here
companyIdentifier ticker or 10-digit CIK
year Fiscal year e.g. 2017. Or 0, -1, -2... with MRQ/MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period Fiscal period {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Y, 1H, 3QCUM} /{1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6}. Or {MRQ, MRY} for most recent quarter/year.
=CalcbenchXBRLTagFiscalPeriodAsOriginallyReported("assets", "msft", 2017, 0)
Disclosure Text Available Disclosures Calendar CalcbenchDisclosureText(disclosureName, ticker, year, period)
metric Disclosure Name list
companyIdentifier ticker or 10-digit CIK
year Calendar year, e.g. 2017.
period Calendar period {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Y}/ {1, 2, 3, 4, 0}.
=CalcbenchDisclosureText("ManagementsDiscussionAndAnalysis", "goog", 2015, "Y")
Fiscal CalcbenchDisclosureTextFiscalPeriod(disclosureName, ticker, fiscalYear, fiscalPeriod)
metric Disclosure Name list
companyIdentifier ticker or 10-digit CIK
year Fiscal year, e.g. 2017.
period Fiscal period {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Y}/ {1, 2, 3, 4, 0}.
=CalcbenchDisclosureTextFiscalPeriod("IncomeTaxes", "goog", 2015, "Y")
XBRL Text Block Calendar CalcbenchXBRLTextTag(XBRLTag, ticker, year, period)
metric XBRL Text Tag, find tags here
companyIdentifier ticker or 10-digit CIK
year Calendar year, e.g. 2017.
period Calendar period {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Y}/ {1, 2, 3, 4, 0}.
=CalcbenchXBRLTextTag("EarningsPerShareTextBlock", "GOOG", 2017, "Y")
Fiscal CalcbenchXBRLTextTagFiscalPeriod(tag, ticker, year, period)
metric XBRL Text Tag, find tags here
companyIdentifier ticker or 10-digit CIK
year Fiscal year e.g. 2017.
period Fiscal period {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Y}/ {1, 2, 3, 4, 0}.
=CalcbenchXBRLTextTagFiscalPeriod("EarningsPerShareTextBlock", "GOOG", 2017, "Y")
Non-XBRL Fact ID ? Fiscal CalcbenchNonXBRLFactID(fact_id, extract_tag, year, period)
fact_id Identifier assigned to fact by Calcbench
extract_tag Stemmed text used to extract the number, in general it should be stable across time but not across companies.
year Fiscal year e.g. 2017.
period Fiscal period {Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Y}/ {1, 2, 3, 4, 0}.
=CalcbenchNonXBRLFactID(337232493, "TangiblBookValuPerShare_PerShare", 2021, "4Q")
Share Price From IEX Daily CalcbenchIEXPrice(ticker, date)
ticker ticker or 10-digit CIK
date Excel Date, "1/21/2020"
=CalcbenchIEXPrice("goog", "1/21/2020")


RIGHT CLICK any Calcbench formula and select Trace This Metric to see the source document.

Refresh All Data

Ctrl-Alt-F9 will reload all formulas in Excel. You may also need to close and reopen your spreadsheet to make sure nothing is cached.

To reget data from the Calcbench Servers, right click on a number or group of numbers and hit 'Refresh Cell(s)'


Example Spreadsheets

As-Reported Face Financial Statements

As-reported income statements, balance sheets and statements of cash flows for multiple companies directly into Excel. This is the same data that is on the Company-In-Detail page.

Use the menu to download any of the three statement types for any number of companies.

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