Calcbench Webinar
Data Analytics In Accounting
Calcbench Webinar: Data Analytics In Accounting
with Dr. Vern Richardson and Brian Wolohan


BRIAN WOLOHAN, Partner in Charge of Audit Innovation at Grant Thornton
DR. VERN RICHARDSON, Distinguished Professor of Accounting and the W. Glezen Chair in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas

In this webinar, we explore the broader need for data analytics in accounting and how data analytics has changed how the larger accounting firms deliver high quality audits today. We discuss the skills that accounting students need to build a career in auditing. Brian Wolohan, Partner in Charge of Audit Innovation, and an industry expert in the field of Audit innovation, will share how data analytics is being used at his firm, Grant Thornton, and share real life examples of how the firm has put innovation in auditing into practice. Vern Richardson, Distinguished Professor of Accounting at the University of Arkansas and author of several data analytics textbooks, will share his approach to bringing data analytics into the classroom and getting students better prepared for their careers.

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