Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The database insights that Calcbench offers are vast and detailed; we know this. That’s why we sometimes have posts on this blog walking you through various tasks, such as how to build a peer group or how to search segment reporting.

We do love the written word, but sometimes a video is better. So we want to be sure that Calcbench fans know we also have our own YouTube channel, where you can see tutorials on some of our common functions.

Here, for example, is the first video we ever posted. It introduces Calcbench to new users.

We have a few other videos on YouTube, covering tasks such as using our Excel Add-In or exploring M&A transactions.

Calcbench subscribers can also find the videos, plus a few written tutorials, on our Resources page. And do search the archives of this blog, since we have more How-To posts there. (We will be adding them to our Resources page as well.)

As we continue to expand our financial data empire, expect more video and written tutorials in the future. And always, if you have a specific tutorial you want us to create—just drop a line at info@calcbench.com. We love email, check it constantly, and will be delighted to hear from you.

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