Thursday, September 29, 2016

Good news for Calcbench users who don’t quite know what you’re looking for! We have expanded our text search capabilities, and now offer full text search for proxies, earnings releases, and SEC comment letters, in addition to the text search for 10-Ks and 10-Qs that we’ve always had.

The search function is straightforward. Starting from our home page, you can enter the text of whatever is on your mind (“taxes,” “Brexit,” “oil,” and so forth) in the main search box in the middle of the page.

As you enter your text string, you’ll see a pull-down menu of choices appear immediately below the search box. (See Figure 1, below.)

Look at those choices and see if any match what you want to find. This is important, since many terms you might use have multiple meanings and we want to route you to the right place quickly. For example, “tax” could refer to our own Guide to Analyzing Tax Disclosures, or to the line-item for taxes that companies report, or to the company Liberty Tax Inc., or to any other disclosure that includes the word “tax.”

If one of those specific offerings match what you want to search for, select it. If none of them do, then select the very bottom offering—which will always be a general text search of corporate filings.

Once you enter your search terms, the results will appear on the Footnotes Query page on the left-hand side. From there, you can filter the results by using the “Choose Footnote/Disclosure Type” menu above those results. That’s where you can filter results to SEC comment letters, proxies, earnings releases, items in the quarterly financial statements, and the like. (See Figure 2, below, with the filter menu circled in red.

It’s just another way Calcbench is trying to provide the most data in the most flexible and versatile way possible. If you have any other ideas for how we can improve, just let us know!

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