Investment Research

Investment researchers use Calcbench to collect, analyze, and interpret financial data to develop or reinforce investment insights. With over 10,000 firms in our database, this has never been easier.

Conduct Due Diligence & Analyze Financials

Calcbench’s Company in Detail and Query Financials tools helps researchers conduct top down or bottom up analysis. This is accomplished by looking on a company-by-company basis or across aggregates across an industry or peer group.

Get to the Text and Numbers, Faster

Systematically query on Text Disclosures or Footnotes to identify potential concerns or to vet the stability or viability of a firm. Review data in a grid to quickly identify areas of interest or systematically search within specific topics (e.g. "going concerns").

Produce Forward-Looking Industry Vertical Insights

Use our Multi-Company Viewer to access normalized financial data for a custom or pre-defined industry sector and dive into detailed company analytics. Screen or filter by categories, and use historical data to build customized forecasts, freeing up time to act on the information you receive rather than spending time collecting the data itself.
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Use our Benchmarking Tool for investment research.